Sunday, February 13, 2011

INGESTIBLES: Beauty-- In a Pill!

This is the last post I'm going to do today (since I have Japanese homework that I need to do).

Recently I have been a supplement-taking fiend. This blog was originally titled "OMG STUFF IS WRONG WITH ME", because I find it hilarious to see 9 bottles of different herbs and vitamin pills on top of my microwave. I find it even funnier how I take these things everyday. It's as if I am saying "I embrace the fact that I need this much stuff to be as normal as other people"-- which is hilarious in a sad, "ima reject human" kind of way. But, hey, if this is how I have to cover my nutritional and emotional bases, then I am on board for it all.

Today I went to The Vitamin Shoppe to get some kelp supplements. Kelp is a good source of iodine. I get lots of sodium (Mmm... high blood pressure), but iodine might not be so prominent in my body which can cause thyroid problems.

While I was in this giant vitamin/herb shop I was browsing and found a big container that said "30 Day Beauty Secret". Intrigued, I read over the description:

"Results Like Magic
You'll love the effortless way the 30-Day Beauty Secret brings out your natural beauty to the surface, with the results most women experience in a matter of weeks. It is a state-of-the-art formula that often seems to work like magic, but is really nutritional science at its best. Try it for 30 days. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed."

"Bring out [my] natural beauty"? "A matter of weeks"? "Nutritional science"?! Oh gawd. How could I resist?

This is day one of taking the three pills that are enclosed in each little packet. I'll keep you all updated about all of the nutritional science magic that is sure to ensue in the next 30 days. People online gave it really great reviews, too. I'm excited. I love beauty-related things and one reason why I take so many supplements is because I truly believe that good health comes from the inside out.

In addition to liking being healthy, I am vain. I like to have clear skin, clear eyes, white teeth,
strong and shiny hair, and long eyelashes. Most of the time, I eat high quality foods like dark greens, brightly coloured-veggies, good starches and carbs, healthy fats, lots of protein, and fruits. Because my diet is balanced, I don't eat a lot. Thus the need for supplementation arises!

I also went through a rough emotional patch and used food to medicate (numb) myself. I didn't choose veggies and fruits during this period. Did you use good proteins and carbohydrates to quell your worries, you ask? Yes-- there are definitely large amounts of protein and carbs in ice cream.

So I'm taking care of myself better by making sure I am treating my body right first and foremost.

That said, I think I'll probably end up having to tone down my supp. intake. Seeing that many pills in my hand each morning is starting to make me feel like a junkie.

Oh, gosh, if only all my supplements looked this good. Most of them look like things you see on the street that your parents tell you not to touch.

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